Purple Star

Student Information

"Your career starts here!"


The Office of Admissions, also known as Student Services, is typically the first place to go in your journey at Haney. Student Services is located on the first floor of the Administration Building (Building 1). Within this area are the receptionist, guidance counselor, career specialist, and cashier.

Information about programs, courses, student records, transcript request, parking decals, class schedules, and more are found in Student Services.

To learn more about a program or enroll, Student Services is your first stop.


Career Services




A school counselor and a career specialist are available to assist students and prospective students with course selection, educational planning, and any concerns they may have regarding Haney.

Counselors work with students in a confidential manner to explore career aspirations, aptitudes, interests, and any special concerns. Counselors are located on the first floor of Building 1 and are available 7:00am-2:00pm.




The Haney Bookstore is available for all students for books and supplies. All Career and Technical Education programs have a suggested book list showing books and supplies that will be needed for the duration of that program. Before purchasing any books or supplies, please contact the program instructor.




(Bay District School Board Policy 7.307) Students are to park in designated parking areas only. Students who park in unauthorized areas may lose the privilege of parking on campus and/or the car may be towed at the expense of the student. No student may loiter in or around vehicles in the parking area or areas. Students shall not occupy vehicles during class hours, between classes, or before or after school, except as they arrive and leave for the school day. Students may not smoke in their vehicles on school property. If a student fails to observe the procedures herein, the principal may revoke his/her privilege of driving a vehicle to school. Please lock your car while on campus. A Student Vehicle Use Policies form must be signed and a parking decal must be displayed on your rearview mirror. Replacement vehicle tags can be purchased from student services.





Career & Technical Education (CTE) Official transcripts may be requested by completing the Transcript Request Form and making the $15 transcript payment fee. Please complete the Transcript Form and make payment via Bay District Schools Online School PaymentsThe cost for each transcript is $15.


The official transcript will be sent directly to the institution where the student plans to register or to any other official agency. If more than one transcript is needed, a request form and payment is required for each one.

The CTE student may request a transcript for themselves and follow the same procedures. 

We do not have “unofficial” transcripts. 

Once the request form and payment are received, it will be 5 - 10 business days for processing.


Haney High School Transcripts or Diploma 

Haney Technical College does not house the records for Haney High School. They must be requested from the Bay District Schools website: High School records request

GED Transcript / Diploma

We are only a testing center for GED. Haney does not maintain records for anything related to GED. If you need a copy of your GED diploma or transcripts, GED.COM is the only place you can request/receive them. www.Ged.com



Education Verification 


For an Education Verification, you must fax a request form with a signed release from the prior student. We will accept an electronic signature. The education verification will be faxed back within 5 – 10 business days. We will not verify anything over the phone. Haney fax # 850-747-5555
If the prior student attended Haney High School, you will need to contact Bay District Schools at 850-767-4100.
Education Verification.  If the requestor received a GED, you must go through GED.COM 
We are only a testing center and have no records for GED.
The fee for education verification is $15.00.  To pay online click Education Verification Payments.




All visitors to the school must provide a valid form of photo identification and sign in at Student Services in building 1.


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