Welding Technology
Length: 1050 hours
Program Number: J400400
Enrollment Periods: 3; 450 hours, 450 hours, 150 hours
Mission: This program offers a broad foundation of knowledge and skills to prepare students for employment in the welding industry. The content includes various welding techniques including Shielded metal arc, Gas metal arc,Flux Core Arc, and Gas tungsten arc welding. All processes are taught on various alloys of plate and pipe.

Basic Skill Level Requirements: Unless exempt, basic competencies testing is required. Students not exempt must test within six weeks from the start of class.
Welding Technology program
J400400 structure:
PMT0070 PMT0071
| Welder Assistant 1 Welder Assistant 2
| 150 hours 150 hours
| A | 1 1
PMT0072 PMT0073
| Welder, SMAW 1 Welder, SMAW 2
| 150 hours 150 hours
| B | 1 1
Industry Certification: Students are given the opportunity to take exams:
National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER)
All students participate in IET
Integrated Education and Training (IET) is an educational model that combines adult education and literacy activities with workforce preparation and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster. The goal of IET is to help adults gain the skills and credentials they need for in-demand careers, and to advance their education and careers.
Total Completion Rate: 63%
Total Placement rate: 100%
Welding Technology - Advanced
Prerequisite - Welding
Length: 750 hours
Enrollment: August & January
Program Number: J400410
Enrollment Periods: 2; 375 hours, 375 hours
Mission: This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of two occupational completion points (OCPs).
The standard length of this program is 750 hours.
Welding Technology is a core program. It is recommended that students successfully complete
Welding Technology or demonstrate mastery of the outcomes in that program prior to enrollment in the
Welding Technology - Advanced program.
Welding Technology - Advanced program
J400410 structure:
PMT0075 | Advanced Welder 1
| 600 hours
| A |
Industry Certification: Students are given the opportunity to take exams:
- National Center for Construction Education & Research (NCCER)
Total Completion rate: 100%
Total Placement Rate: 100%