Aviation Academy

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Haney is an FAA certified, CFR Part 147 Aviation Maintenance Technician School. Our programs prepare students for certification by the Federal Aviation Agency (FAA). The FAA Airframe and Powerplant (A & P) Certification is required to perform maintenance and repairs on small aircraft, as well as the largest jet airplanes. Haney offers these programs at an affordable cost, typically much less than other schools. Most programs qualify for PELL and VA Benefits so when you leave you are not financially in debt but ready to go to work.


Haney Aviation Academy is an endeavor into the actual world of aviation where the students will:

  • Study in a facility thoroughly equipped for practical "hands on" training

  • Be exposed to a variety of theory and shop classes, such as: metal work, woodwork, welding, hydraulics, electrical, electronics, painting, and engine overhaul (turbine and reciprocating)

  • Become proficient in multiple skilled trade areas

  • Learn to interpret FAA regulations and manufacturers' technical specifications


Upon completion of the Aviation Maintenance Technology program and FAA certifications, one would be qualified for the following positions:

  • Aircraft Maintenance Mechanic

  • Airframe Maintenance Mechanic

  • Powerplant Maintenance Mechanic

  • Aircraft Sheet Metal Mechanic

  • Helicopter Mechanic


In these positions, you will work in hangar, out on the field on the “flight lines” where aircraft park or in repair stations. You will use hand tools as well as sophisticated test equipment. Sometimes your work will require physical activities like climbing ladders, crawling, and some lifting. You may work under deadlines to make sure an airplane is air-worthy.

Both Aviation Airframe Mechanics (Airframe) and Aviation Powerplant Mechanics (Powerplant) begin with the same core course, Aviation Maintenance General Technician "General" (AMT0705 - 450 hours, approximately one term for full-time enrollment). Upon successful completion of the "General" course, students enter Aviation Powerplant Mechanics. The "General" course is required for both the Airframe and Powerplant programs. Once the "General" course is successfully completed in one program, it does not need to be completed again.

Aviation Maintenance General Technician


Course Length: 450 hours
Course Number:  AMT0705  

Aviation Airframe Mechanics


Program Length: 900 hours
36 weeks
Program Number: T640300


Program Structure
This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of two (2) Occupational Completion Points (OCPs).

Course NumberCourse TitleCourse HoursOCP
AMT0765Aviation Maintenance Airframe Technician 1450 hoursB
AMT0766Aviation Maintenance Airframe Technician 2450 hoursB

Basic Skills: Unless exempt, student competency in reading, math, and language are assessed within six (6) weeks of program entry. Require basic skill grade levels are: Reading 10A, Math 10A, and Language 9.


Program Advisory Estimated Entry-Level Salary Range


Council on Occupational Education (COE) Rates
Program Completion Rate: 100%
Program Placement Rate: 75% 


Aviation Powerplant Mechanics



Program Length: 450 hours
36 weeks
Program Number: T640400


Program Structure

Course NumberCourse TitleCourse HoursOCP
AMT0775 AMT0776Aviation Maintenance Powerplant Technician 1 & 2900 hoursB

Basic Skills: Unless exempt, student competency in reading, math, and language are assessed within six (6) weeks of program entry.


Council on Occupational Education (COE) Rates
Program Completion Rate: 100%
Program Placement Rate: 67% 


All students participate in IET
Integrated Education and Training (IET) is an educational model that combines adult education and literacy activities with workforce preparation and training for a specific occupation or occupational cluster. The goal of IET is to help adults gain the skills and credentials they need for in-demand careers, and to advance their education and careers. 




Prerequisites: AMT0705 Aviation Maintenance General Technician, AMT0766 Aviation Maintenance Airframe Technician 2

Program Length: 1200 hours (prerequisites provide 750 hours of credit)

Program Number: T400310

Program Description: The course content includes, but is not limited to, troubleshooting, repair and installation of airborne radio communications, radio navigation and radar equipment systems in accordance with regulatory and industry standards.  Also included is instruction in basics of AM and FM transmitters and receivers and avionics equipment.  Skills preparation for passing licensing/certification tests required by industry forms an integral part of the curriculum.

 Program Structure: This program is a planned sequence of instruction consisting of six (6) Occupational Completion Points (OCPs).




Basic Skills: Unless exempt, student competency in reading, math, and language are assessed within six (6) weeks of program entry. Require basic skill grade levels are: Reading 10A, Math 10A, and Language 9.

Program Advisory Estimated Entry-Level Salary Range




For additional information, please contact the Aviation Coordinator, David Deaton, at 850-767-5529 or email  deatod@bay.k12.fl.us




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